November is over, but I have some things to say…

November 30, 2010 at 7:22 am | Posted in MILESTONES | Leave a comment

Ei guys! November is over, but before I end the month, allow me to share some  of the great things that happened to me this month

First on the list, I DON’T DRINK IN FEEDING BOTTLES ANYMORE! Yup, you heard me right. I am not a baby anymore. Since the second week of this month, mom has trained me to drink in cups and glasses. I still get some spills though but I guess they’re just part of my learning experience. I love Milo and orange juice!

I eat more adult stuff now. I mean REAL FOOD. Not cereals. I like Spaghetti, Goto, Pansit, Sardines, Corned Beef. I love the “Elephant” biscuits and I can finish a whole bar of Galaxy chocolates. I also love cheese curls and potato chips.

I love NURSERY RHYMES! I discovered a lot of cute songs I can sing with from the CDs mom and dad bought when we had our vacation to the Philippines.

My SLEEPING PATTERN is quite structured now, as compared to my previous months. I wake up around 8am, then take a 2-3 hour siesta after lunch, and sleeps around 9-10pm. I don’t wake up for milk in the middle of the night anymore!

I got sick by middle of this month. I had a bad cough and running nose due to the weather change. It’s getting colder here now. My parents had to bring me to Neima Clinic and I had to be started on oral antibiotics. I have finished the course of medications now and I am PRETTY MUCH WELL NOW. I have regained my appetite and I am more active again.

BASKETBALL! Dad put up a small ring goal so we could play basketball! I think I am a very good shooter…

I guess that’s all for now. It’s already December and I wonder how I would fare this time. Advance Merry Christmas, everyone!

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